Friday, March 12, 2010

ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (5 of 21)

See what you've done to me? I woke up at 3:15 this morning and realized I had fallen asleep before blogging! AHHHHHH! I debated about getting up and doing it then, but figured that was just a little silly. So here I am, a little late but blogging again.

Erin and Jillian were up before 7:00 this morning, although Erin does not have school today. Why?!! Erin wouldn't get out of bed before 7:00 on a school day to save her life. I have to drag her out of bed, and often I give her a few extra minutes, making the rest of the morning rushed. But, since we aren't going anywhere, she's up and at 'em.
They have gotten into this fun game of switching jammies, Erin wears Jill's, and Jill wears Erin's. Then they skip in together holding hands, saying, "Ta DAaaaaaaaaaa!!" I am not sure why they think this is so fun, especially since what Erin ends up wearing is almost always something she wore all the time last year! But they love it. What Mark and I find most amusing about it is that, although Erin is now markedly taller than Jillian, they must be close to the same diameter because Jillian's jammies always still fit her! They are just always shorter. Why do we even buy toys? Or new jammies?!

You will all be able to sleep better (if not later) to know that we found the camera. It was under the seat of the van, obviously having fallen out of the bag at some point. WHEW! I will get the pictures off of it and these posts will start being more appealing!

LAST cookie booth today - Prospect Kroger 3:00 - 6:00. I collect everyone's money by Wednesday and this year's cookie sale is OVER. YIPPEE!

That's what I've got for now - pictures and more later! Have a lovely day.


Bad Bob said...

I was getting worried.

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

Cookies sales will be over? Look at all the extra time you'll have on your hands.