Monday, July 27, 2009


It is way too late for this but I just figured out how to make my blackberry a wireless modem. So now I don't have to go to coffee shops - I am in the rental van in Penny's backyard on the internet!! And I can help Pam go to school and post a few more pictures before I go to bed. So here are a few more from Lake Michigan!

battery dying . . .must go to sleep . . .more coming soon!!!


Anonymous said...

These pictures are absolutely beautiful - looks like everyone is having fun at the Lake - even the butterflies and birds! And look at you with your fancy hi-tech phone/modem/internet/video/picture/music/blackberry Star Trek thing! You are such a peach for taking time out of your busy busy day to post. Beautiful. Love, Nana

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

checking blog even before drying my hair. All the pictures are beautiful. Love you. Mimi/Mom

Angie Impellizzeri said...

this is one of the most amazing moments captured... ahh, what a lucky butterfly.

Anonymous said...

Pam must have some pretty sweet vibes goin' on there - I've never seen a butterfly perch on a person like that!
Love, Nana

Kevin said...

Hey, what's going on here? It's 11:16 and you haven't updated since yesterday..!!! I thought I could count on this blog for up-to-the minute recaps!!!