Saturday, December 13, 2008

You thought I'd already given up, didn't you??

I swore that even though I waited a year to post again I wouldn't rehash an enitre year of funny stories and unfinished knitting projects. And don't worry, I won't. There are plenty of each to share and I am sure there will be a sprinkling here and there. But by popular request I have to post the following photos to document our annual Black Friday shopping trip.
We - some combination of mothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and children, depending on the year - have gone shopping the day after Thanksgiving every year since 2003. We scope out the ads during Thanksgiving and make our plan, which usually consists of meeting at Michael's Crafts at 6am and just winging it from there. Since the girls have been born, Mark stays home and calls me when they are awake and we pick them up to join the fun. They have gone every year of their little lives. Erin is all about it; this year when it was 6:45 pm and we'd been going all day, she was crying when we decided to call it quits because she wanted to go to another store. Jillian can't quite make it through a whole day yet - she is much more of a napper and consequently much less pleasant if naptime gets skipped. Regardless it is fun and will be a tradition for years to come.

The point of bringing this up to is post the following pictures of Erin at Old Navy, our last stop this year. She staged these completely on her own and requested that the pictures be taken. (Can I reiterate that this was completely on her own?!) She really likes staging pictures - with people, stuffed animals, Fisher Price Little People, whatever. Apparently headless Old Navy manequins fit the bill as well.

But here's the kicker folks. We were in line to pay and my mom says, "You have to come here." So Mimi and Beth and I went to the display, and found this:

Here were my thoughts: Oh Erin, you can't take the stuffed animals out of the maniquins hands. Wait, she wasn't wearing those clothes. We don't own those clothes. Wait, those aren't Erin's hands! She totally posed herself to be this maniquin's head! You cannot see her legs at all!
In all my research in child development and stuff, I have never looked into the development of a sense of humor. I don't know where it comes from or how it develops - maybe I need to write a workshop on that. It would be interesting. All I know is that I think this is pretty darn funny for a 4 year old - I almost wet my pants when I saw it.


Valerie said...

Oh my gosh! I did not even notice that it wasn't Erin's body until you pointed it out! That is hilarious! She definitely has a great sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

Mary Lynn told me about this when it happened but a picture really is worth a thousand words!! How funny and I think you have a real camera queen. I'm glad you started blogging again.....I will be a faithful reader.

Brian said...

this needs to be your Christmas card next year.

Anonymous said...

The best shopping trip yet! (Just so you know how crazy fun it was, this is coming from a Nana who tries to run away from the malls at Christmas). I saw the first picture of Erin and the adult mannequin and thought "aawwww, Erin looks so sweet with...Kim... wha'?...oh my gawd...she has totally lost her mind."