Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ta Da!!!!

Ladies & Gentlemen . . .

A completed sweater! And I have to tell you that I really pushed myself to get this done by today purely because I said I would on this very blog. I would have finished it eventually, but giving myself a published deadline was extremely helpful in managing my knitting time.

For the knitters who are interested . . .
It is knit with size 6 Peace Fleece needles on Manos del Uruguay yarn. This is the second largest size from the pattern, but it is a bit smaller than I anticipated. I will come clean right now and say that I did not do a gauge swatch (non-knitters: this means I didn't test the yarn and needles to see if I knit the same size as the person who wrote the pattern.) I just winged it, and there you go. The pattern is from Minnowknits (and as soon as can put my hands on it I will post the pattern number.) The yarn and pattern was given to me by Barb, the owner of out LYS (non-knitters: Local Yarn Shop) Sophie's, as a present when Jillian was born. Yes, I made a sweater for Erin first. But that's because the patterns were only sized for bigger children, and I had to wait and see what size Jillian would be! I am starting one for her as soon as I get the yarn ordered. Elise (employee of LYS) helped me learn how to seam the sides, and that went very well. I had to kind of fake the seams for the sleeves, but it seems (HA!) to have worked. At first, Erin wanted to take it off, whining "Done . . .done . . . " when I put it on her. I think the sleeves might have been a little tight. She has not complained since, though. So maybe she has gotten used to it, or it stretched, or both. I was supposed to crochet a chain around the neck, but since I (shamefully) do not know how to crochet, I skipped it. And there is supposed to be a button in the back, but since I had no button, I skipped it. And honestly, if I had put a button on the back, it would have been too small. Overall, though, I am very happy with how it came out.

I am thrilled to have crossed another project off my list. And to have made something for one of my girls.

I have more to post, but I need to put a crib together and do other mom-like things, so I will blog more later!


jrb said...

What you wrote - peace fleece, uraguay yarn, guage swatch, YLS, etc.
What I read - blah, blah, gobbeldy gook, I made Erin a sweater.
So yeah!!! for the sweater. It is precious. I just wish I could understand the rest of the post. I am so not crafty.

Sparkly said...

Yeah!! I think that your sweater turned out so cute... of course your model might have contributed a bit too! lol I am glad she gave her protests about wearing it, not that that would have stopped her from wearing it.

candy said...

oh how cute is this? and yes, i can't really see how great the sweater is because the child is so adorable. i almost understand the knitting. (i tried it once or twice, but never made it past one row.) too cute.