Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Weekend Plans . . . Gone Awry :(

So this weekend we were supposed to go to Lake Cumberland with our fantastic friends, and without our girls. Now, don't get me wrong. I ADORE my girls and LOVE staying at home with them. However, it has been 1 year since hubby and I went anywhere longer than a few hours without them. And Baby Jill doesn't sleep through the night (therefore, neither do we.) So Nana & Mimi agreed to have a vacation with them, while we had a vacation without them.

Well, I found out today that a class I thought would be cancelled actually had a few more people signed up, and the boss says its a go. Great news, considering my last three classes ( = $500) had been cancelled. Not so great news considering it is this weekend. I must work, and give up boating and chatting and eating and hiking and sleeping and KNITTING. Grrrrrr . . . .

I have been introduced to knitting blogs and swaps and knit-a-longs, and (of course) I am hooked. I love the idea of challenging myself just a bit further, do something much different than I have done before. I REALLY need to keep myself in check, however, because I already have my hands in way too many things, and I have to be able to focus on my girls. So hopefully I can be realistic and still be able to dedicate at least a little time to knitting.

I have joined a swap, and just as soon as I figure out how to post the button to it, I will. But for those of you who know me well, you will understand my choice. It is a chocolate knitting swap (H E L L O!!) and I am very excited!

Other knitting thoughts - We will be doing the Prospect Art Fair on the weekend of Sept. 23, and I am contributing the same purses I contributed to the Howard Steamboat Museum fair in May. Hopefully, I will have a few more completed, as well as some felted bowls and accessories. I was really hoping to have some dedicated knitting time this weekend, but we've already been over that. So we will just have to see what I can finish.

I know not all of you are knitters, so I will make an effort to post other topics as well. More soon . . .


Sparkly said...

I am sorry you and hubby aren't getting to get away. I know how much that time alone means. I guess it is nice that at least there is a good side to missing out on your weekend and you will be getting some moola!

Brian said...

I have to say that I have the 2 most adorable nieces, a wonderful sister-in-law, and the strangest brother (thankfully) anyone could ever ask for.