Friday, September 14, 2007

A word about being shy

(Forgot I was going to post this - Guess I was not quite done.)
Let me preface this by a quick story from one of our music classes. This was about a year ago, and a mom of an older child asked me, somehwat hesitantly, "Now, is Erin talking yet?" She was almost concerned, like, "You can have that tested, you know." Anyway, I responded that she talked all the time at home but that she was just really really shy. The mom said, "Oh, don't worry. She'll be ok." ! ! ! ! ! I know she meant well, but I thought to myself, "Wait a minute!!! She is OK right now!"

I teach this class on how adult temperaments affect children in the classroom. Participants take an adult personality inventory and then we discuss what they come up with and how they think what their tendencies are might affect the kids they work with. As part of my general points to make about introversion vs. extroversion, I have always made the point that extroversion is really valued in our society. Look how many books are in the parenting section of a bookstore about how to 'fix' your shy child! There is nothing about how to fix an extroverted child! The tendency is to want to help a shy child change into a not-shy child.
I think there is value in being a child who wants to stand back and take things in before jumping in. The difference is when a child is acting shy but really really wishes he could not be shy. Then it makes sense to help him learn coping mechanisms for what to do when fear takes over. But being shy is not something that inherently has to be fixed. It would probably do me some good to be shy every once in awhile!

Anyway, the whole point of me posting this is that I didn't want to sound like I was relieved that Erin was finally not shy! Surprised, definitely! But certainly not relieved! All I want for her is to be cofmortable in her own skin, whatever that means for her.
All of you who posted your comments are so wonderful! Thank you (even you, smart a** David) for being so supportive! I am learning to be a good enough parent!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, Now I have it straight...I posted comments on the "Free Staturday" blog, and on the "And you think you know a girl..."

You are such a blogger, Kim. Remember the story you wrote about the horse when you were in Pegasus? You should be a writer...!