Saturday, October 06, 2007

Where does the time go???

I had no idea how long it has been since I've posted. I don't have a whole lot of exciting things to say . . .

Here are the things I learned last week:
1. 28 hours is a long time to doula.
2. 41 hours is a long time to be awake.
3. The lights in the Festiva do not go off automatically (unless you leave them on for about 28 hours. Then I guess it's not so much automatic as inevitable.)
4. If the doors at Clark Memorial Hospital are locked, it's a long walk back to the security desk. They do have jumper cables, however.
5. Helga is a really good back up for when Client B calls while I am in about hour 20 of Client A's birth.

I am trying to figure out how to balance the doula-ing and teaching workshops (oh, yeah . . . and those darn children) without totally freaking out wondering if a client will call while I am in the middle of a class. Or worse, really, would be if I am with a client and we are, say, at the pushing stage and I have a class starting in 20 minutes. Neither of these situations have ever happened, but I am just tempting the doula godesses by continuing the way I am now. I have no October clients because I thought I would be teaching every weekend. So I have a little while to think about how to proceed.

Ravelry (that knitting/crocheting web site) rocks and I wish I had thought of it myself. I have started getting photos and making places for photos, so when I actually get them on there I will be sure to post here in case anyone is interested. Only 4 people signed up for my class for today, so I had some extra knitting time. I really have knitter's ADD - - I cannot stop starting new projects, even though I haven't totally finished any of them. There's so many things I want to work on! I thought maybe Ravelry would help me organize the chaos, but it is really making it worse because now I am seeing even more things I want to work on! Anyway, that's just where I am in my knitting journey and I will have to get through this phase in order to move on to the next.

Only 6 more days till GIRL BAND RETREAT!!! The girls from band will be retreating Friday night for a fun-filled, childless night of some kind of ice cream, some kind of cheese fries and crafting in a hotel room. As pitiful as that sounds, I am so excited! That's the biggest news around here!

Girls are wonderful, Mark is fabulous . . . I really can't complain! (Can you believe it?)


Valerie said...

What a treat to see a new blog entry from you this morning! Does doula-ing pay by the hour? Cause that could be a really good thing! HA!

Anonymous said...

My Daughter the Doula

There once was a doula(my daughter)
Who had more things to do than
she oughter.
With teach-in's and knit-in's
And her own little kittens,
Birthin' babies this time
really caught her!

Mark said...

Gosh, Kim, I'm continually amazed at how much talent runs in your family.

but really, way to bust the rhymes, Nana.

And way to blog, Kim! Yeah!

Loraine Lawson said...

You know. Reading this, what strikes me is that you need to do one thing:
1. Charge more. So you can
2. Work less.

This is crazy.

See me for pep talk about work/self worth/entrepreneurial spirit and marketing yourself.