Monday, October 29, 2007

Shhh . . . .Listen. Can you hear that??

Nothing! There's no one in my house but me!

Because we have the absolute best Mimi and Grandpa in the whole world, I slept until 8:00 this morning. And then I at pumpkin muffin bread from Huber's and drank hot chocolate, in my bed! (don't tell Mark.) I should be working, but I told myself that I am not going to do it today. While the girls are making cherry pie with Grandpa, I will be knitting and drinking hot chocolate. All day! (ok, so maybe I will go to Target in a little while, but it will be by myself and I will get hot chocolate while I shop.)

Last weekend, Mark and I went to a dinner for the 6th anniversary of Birth Care Network, the organization which, among many other things, acts as a referral list for childbirth educators, doulas, etc. Without him knowing it, I had nominated Mark for the Seahorse Award, which is given to the most supportive partner/spouse. The winner was the husband of a doula who has 7 children, and who does 7 - 8 births a month. So basically he won because she is insane! But I wanted to be sure that the billions of people who read my blog know that Mark is by far the best dinner maker, baby bather, kitchen cleaner, daddy and husband that this doula could even dream of.

I cannot close without mentioning girl band retreat a few weeks ago. Jenny and Candy dutifully went straight to their blogs after the weekend and chronicled our adventures of too much pizza, ice cream and crafting. So there's not much more to be said except we are totally doing it again! Girl Band Rocks!

I am sure there will be myraid pictures to post after Wednseday, when my little punkin' and chicken (yes, I said chicken) get to go trick-or-treating. Oh yes, and believe it or not there will be a completed sweater (SWEATER!) in the very near future. Stay tuned!