Friday, September 14, 2007

What's that you say? A free Saturday?

(I would finish that like a Dr. Suess poem, if I were Mark. I am not.)

Let me start with the soccer, because Erin is so excited about it! She plays on Sundays, and last week was her first practice/game. She can't wait until this week's game. She was also very excited that her team has yellow (her favorite color) shirts. ("How did they know?", she said when she got her shirt at the orientation meeting.)
Erin has not done anything like this before, so she's got no idea about being on a team or kicking a goal or anything else related. She does kick pretty well when she's on her own, but is not much past that yet. Luckily she is on a 3 y/o team so no one else is either. She told me she likes her coach, and when I asked her what he said to the team, she said, "He says 'Come here' a lot!" That is th gist of it so far. And of course there are pics.


Oh yes, and Jillian. She continues to be such a toddler. She now has decided that everything - everything - is worth at least a shot at a tantrum. Completely going limp, throwing herself on the floor, and screaming, are he modes of operation. No matter what it we are doing, she figures she might as well try. I have done my best to just walk away, and usually she stops in about 10 minutes. Luckily this has not happened in public, but I refuse to talk about that possibility (probability?) any more.

She is still darn cute, and when not in freak out mode, awfully sweet. She misses Erin when Erin is at school ("Ain, cooool?" translated - Erin, school?) but has enjoyed a little Mommy time by herself. We've mostly either gone to the park or to the grocery. She talks like crazy, but in this funny psuedo-language. She has this knack for being able to make the sounds of a word without ever actually saying the word. Anyway, I have told doula clients this many times and now I am remembering my words - Even though I have already been a mom to a 20 month old, I am a first time mom to Jillian. I have to be sure to remember that!
And the knitting . . .
I have been introduced to this great site - Ravelry - that is really a knitters dream. I won't go into it here, because those of you who are interested already know about it, and if you don't know about it you probably don't care! You know my promises to actually catalog my works in progress and finished objects on Flickr? That is what I will be working on on my free Saturday! But it will be even better through this new site. I'll still post some knitting things here, but will really be using Ravelry for the details.
I will post here that I have decided to completely frog the Mystery Stole yet another time. It was coming along swimmingly, until I made some really glaring mistakes. I was going to just move on and overlook them (you know, in an effort to NOT be a perfectionist.) But I set it aside for awhile and now every time I look at it I want to start over. I am not giving up - it will be done! I am just succumbing to my perfectionist tendencies. Or maybe it's just that I want to be proud of it when it's done, and I don't think I really would be if I continued from here.
I have pictures of the mistakes, but I can't seem to find them right this minute. I will post when I run across them.
That's it for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I just learned how to use this - well, what an awesome journal. Now I can post stories about you when you were little?! Yea! I am so lucky to be Nana-Mom.


P.S. I just added a comment to the post you made several weeks ago. How'd I do that?
P.S. Today I posted a comment on a post you did