Sunday, July 15, 2007

Why aren't you CELEBRATING???

(I know - caps are not polite. But I really am screaming. . .)

Do you know that today is National Ice Cream Day? I do.

And if you happen to discover this after the holiday is over, don't feel too bad because July is National Ice Cream Month. You will have time to make up for it.

My client had a beautiful baby girl after an amazingly uncomplicated, relatively easy birth. All are healthy and happy.

That does mean that I got no work done on my mark-is-off-I-am-going-to-work day. But hopefully I will have a grandpa-is-on-vacation-this-week work day soon. I don't know why but I have a hard time working for just a little bit. I really feel like I need a huge block of time to get anything productive done. So I either have to change that about myself (not likely) or wait for a big block of time to come (also not likely). I now will be teaching 8 times in August, so probably I need to just quit talking about working and actually work.

I am also trying to get pics together of finished knitting projects and works in progress (the latter being a much larger group of photos than the former) and put them on a Flickr site. I have been talking about that for awhile, but ya' know . . .

My new hero, the creater of National Ice Cream Day, has given me an excuse. So Graeters better watch out because Tablers are on their way!

Go on now - - get celebratin'

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