Friday, August 07, 2009

Like father like daughter

I am out with my lovely husband vacuum shopping (go ahead . . . Awww, how romantic) We need a very efficient one for all the vacuuming we'll be doing now that Erin has finally done her allergy testing. The allergist - who was SUPER nice - said that only ten percent of kids her age have allergies as severe as hers and gave us all kinds of suggestions for things we should be doing to improve her coughing and throat clearing. (I was only slightly offended when he mentioned that I should be vacuuming at least twice a week. We had only just met and he couldn't have possibly known my impeccable housekeeping habits.) Anyway, I'll spare you the list of things Erin is allergic to and let it suffice to say that if it blooms, seeds, molts or has four legs the answer is yes.
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Valerie said...

Awwww! Poor girl! You're gonna be busy!!

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

I'll come help vacuum for that little doll any time. Boy, talk about tugging at the ol' heart strings.

Judith Bowman said...

Uh side of the family is allergic to housework...