Geez it's been awhile! It doesn't seem like it has been as long as it has been, but that is the story of my life.
We weathered the weather here very well. Our power never went out, we only lost phone and internet for about a day. I'm not sure why we were so lucky, but I am very very glad. Mark's parents were here for a few days waiting for their power to come back on and we had a lot of fun together! Of course the girls loved having them here, and I did too. They are so fantastic.
But now it is back to normal - whatever that means. And I am up to my neck in trying to make it work! I need to figure out how to dedicate certain times to each business - the preschool and my training business - and then also set aside some time each week for working out and/or yoga. This all then needs to plug in to the girls' schedules of ballet, music and school (and I think soccer is starting soon, which I am now writing myself a note to check on.) And I can't give up our time together just playing and reading and laughing - those times are actually top on the list. It just seems like there is a perfect answer on how to do this, I just need to find it. I am certainly closer than I ever have been; just not quite there yet. And as soon as I do get there, something will change, so I think my best bet is to not look for consistency but just get used to getting things done without structure!
So glad to see another posting. Loved the pictures. Still waiting for the "Big Dance" dress up picture!
Those snow angels are the cutest angels I've ever seen.
Those snow angels are the cutest angels I've ever seen.
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