Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy New Year!

So in response to the millions (or four) people who have told me they look at my blog every day waiting for me to post some breath taking, heart stopping story, I decided to make my annual visit to the blog. I am calling your bluff. Who of you out there really still looks at my blog every day? This shall be the ultimate test. This first person to comment on this post will win a prize. You think I joke but I do not - there is a prize for my most loyal friend. (Mark already knew I was doing this so he doesn't count, and Lord knows he must be the most loyal becuase he puts up with me everyday!)
Why the resurge in blogness? Well, for some reason Facebook has sucked me in, and that has made me online more regularly for that kind of thing. (instead of work-related stuff) The girls spend a little more time at school, which gives me a little more time to get some things done. And really I just thought it would be fun to see who would comment on this first. We'll see - no promises. But I do want to try again. Third time's a charm, right? And hey, if Grandpa can do it . . .

So now I wait.


Susie H said...

No prize necessary here, but you're in my Google Reader feeds, from when I was working on the Mystery Stole last year. Found your blog at that time, and loved reading your great writing about family, knitting, and life.

Glad you're blogging again,
from a total stranger (my own blog's at


AmethystKat said...

I check your blog!!! I have been waiting for something new! :)

candy said...

i'm still reading!!! i will take a consolation prize of a date at graeter's ice cream. you don't even have to buy, you just have to show up.

Valerie said...

I use your blog to get to Matk's blog. Imagine my surprise today to find a whole new format and a new post. Three new posts! Wow! I thought there was something wrong with the link! You are too funny! I love you dear friend and cannot wait to see more pictures when you find your camera!

Anonymous said...

Your secret Nana is watching. Cool that a total stranger was the first one to post. I'll bet you touch lots of people you don't know. I know what I mean...

Brian said...

not the first, but the best!

jrb said...

Darn it! I have to admit that I haven't checked your blog since this post came about. (I have a lot of catching up to do!) And even now you had to tell me about it. Pooh. I'm a bad friend. But I'm all up to date now and will be checking faithfully :)