Friday, September 15, 2006

Growing Children

So last night was Erin's first swim lesson. And she did so well!! I thought for sure she would be totally apprehnsive (you all know how she is!) and hang on me the whole time. But instead, she was so ready to get in the pool and went right in and did all the activities (except blowing bubbles) and had a great time. It was really fun. I love to be in the water and am really going to make an effort to start swimming again.

I did have an Aha! mommy moment during the lesson - - The teacher said that by the end of this series of lessons everyone will probably being jumping off the side of the pool. "Yeah, right." I thought to myself. "That's what big kids do." But then it dawned on me that the whole reason I was taking her to lessons was so that she was comfortable in the water. But I didn't want her to be that comfortable because then it meant she was growing up. But isn't that the point?? I ended this internal conversation by being thrilled that my daughter had fun and would eventually be swimming by herself. Yes, that's the point.


Jillian. Oh my Jillian. What can I say?? She finally has started getting a tooth. She has finally started sitting up more. She can climb Mimi & Grandpa's stairs by herself. She pulls up on EVERYTHING. She is the master speed demon of the army crawl. Last week we finally started giving her a bath in the bath seat. She had grown too long for the baby tub, but wasn't quite ready to sit by herself in the seat. So Mark would hold her up while I quickly washed her down. It was not nearly as simple as it sounds. She would squirm incessantly and splash and kick and twist and we were both wiping our brow by the time it was over. Anyway, she took another bath in the seat tonight, while her sister gave her bath toys. But while I was washing Erin, Jillian used the shelf on the side of the tub to try to climb OUT of the bath seat. It took her no time flat to be 3/4 of the way standing up out of the seat. She is amazing! But darn she is sweet and absolutely adorable (if I do say so myself.)

My fabulous husband just brought me a bowl of ice cream so I will post more tomorrow . . .


Valerie said...

Oh, Kim. I love reading about your life! You have almost inspired me to start a blog! Keep on blogging and filling me in on your life since I am so far away and not able to experience it with you first hand!


KimT said...

Val - I am so glad you are reading! You should blog! It seems totally ridiculous when you start, but it is fun and helps somehow to document all those things you are just sure you'll remember (yeah, right.)

It's not the same as having you here, but thanks for reading!!