Tuesday, August 29, 2006


So I created this blog on June 20, and have never got around to posting. That is because I have been obsessed with making it look like I want it to look, and naming it some great catchy name. I obviously have done neither, and maybe that will all change when I have lots of free time. Until then I guess I will just live with it.

What made me finally bite the bullet and post is that I had to find a way to brag about my wonderful husband. A few days ago, when I got in the shower, I found the following, written in (hold on to your heartstrings, girls!) purple Crayola bath crayon:

I love you with all the heart I hath
Whether in the shower or in the bath.
And if you didn't shower for 1,000 days,
I would still love you in 1,000 ways.

As a matter of fact I hadn't showered for 2 days, but that was totally beside the point. I have never had a shower poem before, and that morning was the perfect time to start. He is the best.

And on a knitting note:
About a month ago, I spent all of a Saturday nap time cataloging all my knitting projects and knitting needles. I am embarassed to say that I had 18 unfinished projects, and about 85 pairs of needles. So it was then I decided that I needed to loose the knitting ADD and finally finish some things, or at least decide not to save them and rip them back for the yarn. I am down to almost 14, having ripped back one boring scarf, completing one felted purse, and almost completing another purse and my first sweater. The sweater is for my two year old, who is very small. So the project in itself is not a huge accomplishment. But I always want to knit really cute things for my girls and I never am able to. All I have left of this sweater is to peice it together, which you knitters know is the baine of knitting existence. But I am now published as saying that Erin will be wearing the sweater by church this Sunday, if it kills me! I will post pics when it happens.

Lots more going on in my life but . . . I have to teach a brain development and multiple intelligences class to 15 preschool teachers tomorrow. Therefore it is my bedtime (thanks for the good example, curfew doula!) So all the exciting details of my life will have to wait.

HEY! I can check something off the Things to Do List - I posted my first blog entry!


jrb said...

I love it!! Thanks for including me on the blog list.
Purple crayon poem?? And I heard him say that he does dishes?? How did we get so lucky to find these men?
-Curfew (I was in bed at 9:45 last night) doula

Mark said...

My feeble attempts at poetry are brought forth by your breathtakingness, Kim. Everything that I do that is worthwhile, and many things that I do that probably aren't, are inspired by you.

Yayy, a Kimblog!

candy said...

yay!!!! kim's blogging!!!! i have been waiting for this day for ages. now if we could just get brooke to update...

and yes, we all have amazing men. but i think the purple crayon wins this week. how sweet! i have your same addiction to yarn, except my knitting needles are crochet hooks. i would be scared to count them.

- forgot-which-doula-i-am doula

Sparkly said...

Ok that is pretty darn sweet... He sure does know how to rack up those brownie points!